Keep your balance with Max the Monkey and all of his suprise guests! Who will show up next? Can you join Max in playing with his new friends? Balance with focus on side-to-side motions, spinal stretching and strengthening, and lower extremity strengthening 1
Our friend the monkey is really moving today! Let's get a good work out in with him! Balance and coordination with emphasis on leg motion only for jumping jacks followed by full jumping jacks, bilateral single leg stance, jumping on one foot, trunk rotation, opposite arm to leg, tip toe walking on the line, double leg jumping across the line, backwards jumping, and bear walking
Hang out with our friend Maximo at the beach! Balance with emphasis on tandem stance and eyes open/eyes closed
Maximo is going to the beach! Let's learn how to surf with him! Balance with emphasis on weigh shifting forward and backward
Maximo wants to be a flamingo today! Do you? Balance with emphasis on single-leg stance and shifting weight forward on one foot
Follow me! Dance and sing along with our new friends! Balance with emphasis on simple instructions to follow such as clapping, touching toes, walking on tip-toes, stomping, and basic arm movements